Back to School Skincare Prep: Your Guide to Radiant and Confident Skin – Skin Laundry MENA
Home / Blog / Back to School Skincare Prep: Your Guide to Radiant and Confident Skin with Skin Laundry Back to School Skincare Prep: Your Guide to Radiant and Confident Skin with Skin Laundry

As summer break draws to a close, it's time to transition from carefree days to the excitement of going back to school. Along with picking out new notebooks and school supplies, don't forget to prepare your skin for the challenges that lie ahead. The change in routine, stress, and environmental factors can take a toll on your complexion, but with a little prepping and the right skincare routine, you can step into the new academic year with radiant and confident skin. Skin Laundry is here to guide you through the essential steps for a back-to-school skincare regimen that will leave your skin glowing and ready to conquer the world!

Cleanse Away Summer Impurities:

Before diving into any skincare routine, a fresh canvas is essential. After a summer filled with outdoor adventures, sunscreens, and sweat, give your skin a thorough cleanse to remove impurities and excess oils. Skin Laundry's Hydrating Gentle Cleanser is the perfect solution. It effectively removes dirt and makeup without stripping your skin of its natural moisture, leaving it feeling clean and refreshed.

Exfoliate for a Brighter Complexion:

As you gear up for back-to-school, make way for a brighter complexion by incorporating exfoliation into your routine. Regular exfoliation helps slough off dead skin cells, unclog pores, and improve skin texture. Our Signature Laser Facial offers a deep cleansing and exfoliation while still being gentle and non-invasive.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate:

Hydration is the key to a healthy and youthful-looking complexion. Long hours in air-conditioned classrooms can lead to skin dryness, so it's essential to keep your skin moisturized. Opt for a lightweight, yet nourishing moisturizer like Skin Laundry's Vitamin B5 Antioxidant Moisturiser, packed with hydration-boosting ingredients to keep your skin soft and supple throughout the day.

Target Specific Skin Concerns:

Whether it's acne, dark spots, or redness, we all have specific skin concerns. Skin Laundry offers targeted treatments to address these issues and restore your skin's natural balance. Every first time client is recommended to go through a thorough skin consultation with one of our nurses. The nurse assesses the skin as well as the clients concerns and curates a specialised treatment plan based on their goals.

Sun Protection is Non-Negotiable:

Even as summer ends (Which is not anytime soon for us living in the UAE), UV rays can still wreak havoc on your skin. Sun protection is a non-negotiable step in your daily routine. Make sure to opt for a minimum of SPF 30 to guard skin against sun damage, early signs of aging, and the breakdown of collagen.

Prioritize Your Beauty Sleep:

With early morning classes and late-night study sessions, getting enough sleep can be a challenge. However, prioritizing your beauty sleep is crucial for skin health. Skin Laundry's Restoring Night Serum is infused with antioxidants and peptides, working overnight to rejuvenate and repair your skin while you catch some well-deserved rest. 


As you embark on a new academic journey, remember that taking care of your skin is an essential part of feeling your best and maintaining your confidence. By incorporating Skin Laundry's effective and gentle skincare products into your routine, you can prep your skin for the back-to-school season and face each day with a radiant and confident glow. Embrace self-care, embrace the new school year, and let your beautiful skin shine as you conquer new challenges with grace and poise.

Wishing you a successful and glowing school year ahead!


Skin Laundry is here to help!


Schedule a consultation and facial with us where you will meet your dedicated laser technician who will review your skin concerns in detail, medical history and discuss the skincare goals you are hoping to achieve. By the end of your consultation you will know and understand your skin type better, alongside a personalized treatment plan with our in-house skin product recommendations.



Before booking an appointment, please check our list of contraindications to ensure you qualify for a laser facial.



DIFC:+971 52 199 0021

Marina:+971 52 3546785


You can also DM us on Instagram @skinlaundrymena or book online at


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Tala Samman ( My Fash Diary)

My latest discovery has been the Skin Laundry clinic , and I’m obsessed

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An incredible skin care brand from California

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In 15 minutes you get a serious deep clean and crazy-good results. Oh, and there’s no downtime


For the perfect gateway to laser treatment, look no further than Skin Laundry

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Immediately after skin feels tighter, brighter, and smoother. Over time skin tone and texture is evened out, and collagen and elastin production is boosted

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